There are so many things I want to put on here and catch you up on all the happenings...seminary and otherwise. So much to do, and I never do it. Usually people complete that sentence with "so little time", but I think it's more about priorities. Oh well.
One of my latest questions about blogging is about posting sermons here for you to see. I preached last Sunday, the Transfiguration of our Lord. I've thought about putting my sermon on here so those of you that can't hear me preach can at least read it, but on the other side I think that sermons are such an experiential thing. Does reading a sermon really do the same thing? I think we as Lutherans are about the Proclaimed Word. The written word is important too but... My mixed feelings over posting sermons on my blog. It's a scary thing too b/c it's like I'm putting myself out for all the world to see and examine and evaluate. I don't think people are afraid to evaluate and critique sermons in a way unlike regular blog posts that are just my own life stories and musings. I'm sure some think I am making a big deal out of nothing...and if so, you can ask me to put my sermons on here and maybe that will help with my dilemma. Maybe give me a reason or two as to why you think I should or shouldn't.
Overall, life is good, school is pretty good, and there's more to say for another time.